Foster Parent Support Meeting: March
Date(s) - 03/10/2021
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Categories No Categories
March’s Topic: The Birth Parent Search – One Adult Adoptee’s Experience
Attendees will be treated to an excellent guest speaker. Karly Holcombe is a Licensed Social Worker here in Cincinnati who is going to bring us insight into her experience as an adult adoptee. Karly is going to share her wisdom and experience with us regarding her birth family search and outcome. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask Karly questions and have them answered. You don’t want to miss this!
This training is an elective credit and the topic of discussion will change monthly. It is a chance for Beech Acres families to gather together, discuss relevant topics, and encourage each other. (open only to Beech Acres affiliated attendees)
**Training is currently occurring in a virtual environment. All dates and locations are subject to change as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.
Please reserve one ticket per attendee. Video required for training credit. Same-household attendees may attend on one or multiple devices.
Bookings are closed for this event.