Empowering parents. Strengthening kids together.

We combine science and compassion to deliver innovative solutions that equip adults to meet children’s needs and cultivate their strengths.​

Imagine a world where every child’s natural strengths are nurtured so they realize their endless potential.​

For over 170 years, Beech Acres Parenting Center has strengthened Greater Cincinnati’s children & families. Learn how you can get involved and help us change the lives of so many children.

Beech Acres Parenting Center is on the move! Learn more.

24-hour Support

With All Families

BAPC offers a 24-hour support hotline to our licensed foster care parents.

Learn More 

1 Point of Contact

In Schools

Beyond the Classroom(TM) model means 1 point of contact for families making connections to resources faster & easier.

Learn More 

Just 3 Sessions

In Pediatric Offices

After just 3 sessions, parents report a statistically significant change in their relationship with their child.

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With All Families

Foster Care & Adoption 

For individuals willing to open their home to our most vulnerable children, the BAPC team has been supporting foster families for 40 years.

Kinship Connections 

For a grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a close friend taking care of a loved one’s child full time, this support network offers both individual resource navigation and group meetings.

Parent Enrichment Program 

For parents fulfilling a referral from Hamilton County Job & Family Services, this is a non-judgmental, goal driven parent and child focused program.

In Schools

Beyond The Classroom 

Partnering with over 25 schools in Greater Cincinnati, our unique model drives to improve behavioral wellness and enhance a student’s readiness to learn.

The Character Effect 

A flexible, personalized social & emotional learning program that enhances the emotional IQ and improves the well-being of teachers and students alike.

In Businesses & Pediatric Offices

For Families  

Parent Connext®’s goal is to connect families to resources, plus provide one clear next step for their parenting journey. Our Child Development experts have worked with thousands of parents on a variety of challenges. Why google when our specialists can help you strengthen your relationship with your child in just 3 sessions with compassionate, judgment-free ideas grounded in science.

For Workplaces 

Parent Connext®’s goal is to connect families to resources, plus provide one clear next step on their parenting journey. Parents don’t stop worrying about their children when they open up a laptop or walk through your doors. Let them know you value them as a whole person. Let’s work together to craft a plan for your employees! We provide turnkey monthly content that you can then distribute, craft a lunch ‘n learn (we call them Parenting: A to Zoom), and work together to provide individual sessions for your employees.

For Healthcare 

Parent Connext®’s goal is to connect families to resources, plus provide one clear next step for their parenting journey. Our Child Development experts have worked with thousands of parents on a variety of challenges. They begin by conducting screenings for environmental influences on a child’s family that could cause stress and create common parenting challenges. Focusing on positive parenting strategies can improve the parent-child relationship.

BAPC-tag-transparent graphic

Our Mission

We combine science and compassion to deliver innovative solutions that equip adults to meet children’s needs and cultivate their strengths.​

Our Vision

Imagine a world where every child’s natural strengths are nurtured, so they realize their endless potential.​

About Us

Beech Roots Parenting Blog

Women’s History Month Spotlight: Simone Biles’ Foster Care Story

Women’s History Month Spotlight: Simone Biles’ Foster Care Story In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month at Beech Acres by […]

Love Stories – Parent Enrichment Program Leads to a Joyful Family Reunion

Young parent Janell will never forget the feeling she had after Beech Acres helped her reunify with her 5-year-old daughter […]

Love Stories: Relationships With Biological Parents Through Foster Care and Adoption

When Sarah and Chris adopted 9-year-old Neveah and her 10-year-old sister Malaysia in a Montgomery County, Ohio, courtroom this month, […]