For Healthcare And Wellbeing Partners
Parent Connext provides an innovative approach to patient care for parents that can save you time and improve outcomes for families.

What is Parent Connext®?
Parent Connext®’s goal is to connect families to resources, plus provide one clear next step for their parenting journey. Our Child Development experts provide doctors with a valuable, proven resource for their patients behavioral concerns and social questions. This frees doctors to focus on what they do best, the physical health and development of their patients.
Patients referred to Parent Connext® are screened for environmental influences on their family that could cause stress and create parenting challenges. We then focus on positive parenting strategies that can improve the parent-child relationship. After just three sessions, parents have reported an improvement in parent/ child relationship, self-care, self-confidence as a parent, and self-satisfaction.

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Parent Connext® Becomes a Critical
Component Of Community Healthcare
Parent Connext® is an added resource to your team to pick up where a pediatrician leaves off when parental stressors and challenges arise. It has been designated a ‘Promising Practice’ by the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs and evidence-based by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
By introducing Parent Connext® into your offices and networks, doctors are freed up and focused allowing them to do what they do best – focus on physical health and treatment.
Dr. Jon Mumma has had a parent coach in his office since the program’s inception. “It just makes sense. Pediatricians have about 15 minutes with each patient for a routine checkup, and the parent often asks a question about how to cope with the child’s behavior. Those things come up as ‘Oh, by the way … ,’. Having a coach in the office gets parents in the right place quickly. Our staff and even our physicians are happy to discuss your questions.”
Publications and Research Findings
The Parent Connext® program in Cincinnati, Ohio, integrates social services for families into pediatric care visits.
Co-located Parent Coaching Services Within Pediatric Primary Care: Feasibility and Acceptability
Parent Connext® – Journal of Child and Family Studies June 2021
Impact of Screening and Co‐located Parent Coaching Within Pediatric Primary Care on Child Health Care Use: A Stepped Wedge Design

Frequently Asked Questions
Parent Coaching is a one-on-one approach to co-creating an effective parenting plan to help
parents achieve the relationship they want with their child. Our Parenting Experts can meet with your patients virtually or in your pediatric offices or participating workplaces to help you address parenting challenges head-on.
Our monthly content package is $1,000 for a year. Our first goal as a nonprofit is impact. We want to reach as many parents & caregivers as possible – by investing in us, you are investing in the community. We are happy to co-create with you and can discuss pricing for the other services based on the size of your organization.
Our parent coaching model has proven positive change within just 3 sessions that have lasting effects 3 months after exit from services. Families have seen improvement in (1) parent/child relationship (2) parents’ self-confidence (3) parents’ self-care for themselves (4) satisfaction in their role as a parent. Additionally, our model is deemed Evidence-Based by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
YES! Our Parent Coaching model is built upon Natural Strength Parenting™, Beech Acres’ unique approach to parenting. Natural Strength Parenting™ combines over 170 years of experience into a modern approach that challenges you to be present and in the moment with your child while building on your family’s strengths.
1. Reduce the Cost of Health Care: 10-20% health care cost reduction is seen when care
coordination models have a strong social support services component. In partnership with
Xavier University, a ‘Time & Motion’ study revealed 34% of pediatric visits included parenting challenges and needs. Give that time back to doctors.
2. Improve Provider Satisfaction: 100% of pediatricians agree Parent Connext® has improved
the quality of patient care. They can focus on what they know best – physical health diagnosis and treatment.
3. Improve the Patient Experience of Care: 96% of parents report that Parent Connext® provides high-quality services and has received a Promising Practice designation from The Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs. After just three sessions, parents report a statistically significant change in:
- relationship with their child
- self-confidence in their parenting
- satisfaction as a parent
- self-care as a parent
This effect is still felt three months later for a lasting difference.
4. Lead to Better Health Outcomes: New findings from a team of experts from Beech Acres Parenting Center, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and TriHealth has demonstrated that a locally-created program including adversity screening and parent coaching from co-located specialists integrated into pediatric practices, resulted in significantly fewer sick visits for children. The findings were published in the Journal of Prevention Science in October 2022.
The research focuses on the Beech Acres Parent Connext™ program, in which parents can connect with individualized parent coaching sessions arranged through their pediatrician. The study sample included more than 27,000 patients in Greater Cincinnati and continued for 36 months from 2017-2019. This research showed that parent coaching statistically and significantly lowered the number of sick visits in a randomized, control-stepped wedge study.
Parent Coaching and Therapy are both highly valued interventions to support parents, kids, and families. Therapy is a treatment-level approach to support that includes a mental health assessment, assignment of a diagnosis, and treatment services that follow such as therapy. Parent Coaching is a prevention-level supportive approach to assist parents with everyday parenting challenges, stressors, and issues that may arise. Therapy is an intervention that may take 4-6 months while Parent Coaching is solution-focused and short term with most services lasting 3-6 sessions.
Parent Coaches have at least 5-7 years of experience working with parents, kids, and families. The full team has a minimum of a bachelor’s degree with some providers having an advanced degree. In addition, all are formally trained in Natural Strength Parent™ Coaching model and have proven results when using this model. Following the training, there is fidelity monitoring, and ongoing training held at least monthly to continuously refine and enhance knowledge and skills.

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