Celebrate Jim’s Incredible Journey

Celebrate Jim’s Incredible Journey
Location: Taft Museum of Art Garden
Date: 06/13/2021

Celebrate Jim’s Incredible Journey!
Jim landed at Beech Acres 42 years ago, and he is about to take flight on his next incredible adventure: his “rewirement.”
Please join us to celebrate the milestones and the man!
Sunday, June 13th, 2021
5:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Taft Museum of Art Garden Cocktails and Dinner under the Tent
Complimentary Valet Parking
Tickets $50 per person
Covid Safety Measures: Mask required |Outdoor venue |Virtual live-stream available
Do you have a special message, memory, picture, and/or video you’d like to share with Jim? Submit your well wishes online through MemoryFox by May 28. http://beechacres.memfox.io/jimmason
Your message to Jim will be shared as a keepsake for him to treasure.
Step-by-step instructions HERE