Heart to Heart Happy Hour With Jim Mason

Heart to Heart Happy Hour With Jim Mason

Location: Virtual

Date: 04/22/2021

Choose a date below to RSVP.

Please join me for a special Heart-to-Heart Happy Hour on Zoom.  I want to thank you for your friendship and provide an update on Beech Acres’ achievements and leadership transition.

There are three dates available for you to choose from. Please select a date below and click to RSVP.

Heart 1- Thursday, March 25 at 5 PM

Heart 2 – Thursday, April 15 at 5 PM Former and Current Board Members only

Heart 3- Thursday, April 22 at 5 PM



We are doing a memory collection campaign to commemorate Jim Mason’s incredible journey at Beech Acres. Submit your well wishes and stories you have of Jim here;http://beechacres.memfox.io/jimmason

Jim will be presented with your message as a keepsake to treasure.