Brice Mickey

Brice Mickey

VP of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Brice Mickey is the inaugural Vice President of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Beech Acres Parenting Center and serves as the chair of the DEI Committee. He came to BAPC with 12+ years’ experience as an award-winning JEDI consultant where he worked with over 200 organizations across the country to help them achieve their equity and inclusion goals. 

He was born and raised in Cincinnati, OH where he graduated from Walnut Hills HIgh School and later earned his BSIT from the University of Cincinnati. It was there he realized his calling for dialogue around diversity and inclusion after participating in, and later directing UC’s nationally recognized Racial Awareness Program (RAPP).

After leaving UC, he went on to advocate for trans youth at Living with Change and from there went to Public Allies Inc to manage a trans-national cohort of underrepresented leaders involved in AmeriCorps apprenticeships.