Early College Planning (Part 1)

Date(s) - 05/18/2021
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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Early College Planning (Part 1)

College may seem like a long way off for the kids in your home, but it is never too soon to prepare!  Whether you are thinking about your foster child or a permanent child in your home, many parents don’t know where to begin.  Join Director of college counseling and foster parent Kim Smith as she discusses early college planning in this short monthly series.  This series of trainings will be geared for kids in 7th-12th grades, but open to all families who are curious.  Kids are welcome to participate in this training with parents and do not need a separate registration.

Part 1 will cover:

What can I do now with my kids to prepare? Is college the right fit? What different college types are available? What are some local resources including summer programming?  Open for any questions.


**Training is currently occurring in a virtual environment. All dates and locations are subject to change as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.
Please reserve one ticket per attendee. Video required for training credit. Same-household attendees may attend on one or multiple devices.


Bookings are closed for this event.