Ongoing Elective Training: QPR – Suicide Prevention
Date(s) - 01/30/2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
This class is for Ongoing Training and is only open to licensed foster parents.
QPR – Suicide Prevention (Question, Persuade, Refer)
QPR is a suicide prevention training for participants to be able to recognize the warning signs of suicide and Question, Persuade, and Refer people at risk for suicide for help. This hour-long gatekeeper training will teach participants:
- How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be suicidal
- How to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide
- The common causes of suicidal behavior
- The warning signs of suicide
- How to get help for someone in crisis
Please reserve one ticket per attendee. Video required for training credit. Same-household attendees may attend on one or multiple devices.
Bookings are closed for this event.