Celebrating Ann and Al Hill For Fostering 67 Children Over 27 Years!

Celebrating Ann and Al Hill For Fostering 67 Children Over 27 Years!
“Ann and Al have been amazing foster parents and represent everything we do at Beech Acres to equip parents, families and communities to raise great kids,” said Jessica Thompson, director of foster care and adoption, Beech Acres Parenting Center.
The Hills have specialized in fostering teenage girls, which has been particularly helpful because of the great need for foster homes for teenagers in Greater Cincinnati. Beech Acres is always seeking safe, loving and diverse foster homes that can keep children connected with their school and community. Right now there is a need for foster families in the city’s urban core.
On any given day in Hamilton County, more than 1,000 children are in foster care, so foster parents serve as a critical community resource. Beech Acres has been training foster parents to meet this need for more than 40 years. Its foster service includes a unique matching program to connect families with individual children. Foster parents in the Beech Acres community receive support and guidance from peers and trained experts to help them provide safe and welcoming homes.
Beech Acres Parenting Center has information about how to become a foster parent, including a step by step guide through the process, available at beechacres.org or by calling (513) 231-6630.