Celebrating Over 20 Years and 25 Foster Children!

Celebrating Over 20 Years and 25 Foster Children!
Beech Acres Parenting Center is celebrating the family of Linda and Derrell Dick, from Loveland, who recently completed a journey of more than 21 years of foster care, during which they adopted three girls and provided a loving foster home to more than 25 children.
“Linda and Derrell have earned respect and love from all the children and families they helped over the years. They leave a lasting impression on the entire Beech Acres Foster Care Program,” said Jessica Thompson, director of foster care and adoption, Beech Acres Parenting Center.
Linda and Derrell began serving as foster parents in 1998 and started out by helping teenage boys, moving on later to provide foster care for infants and sibling groups.
“This couple has impacted us all through their amazing drive and determination to help children. They gave nurturing, consistency and life skills to teenagers, and were equally as skilled with infants and siblings, providing security and promoting their development” added Tricia Raby, foster care supervisor at Beech Acres.
In addition to the direct support provided to children, the Dicks also served as mentors for other foster parents and families.
For more information about how to become foster parents, connect with Beech Acres Parenting Center by visiting beechacres.org or by calling (513) 231-6630. Read more in the Community Press.