Maryssa’s Story!

Maryssa’s Story!
We’re excited to celebrate the adoption of Maryssa Kay! Maryssa brings love and joy into the lives of everyone she meets. And now she has a family to share that endless love and joy with.

As a newborn, Maryssa was originally placed with another family. She had some exceptional needs due to exposure to substances in utero. Maryssa spent two weeks in the NICU before going home with Mary Kay, a longtime foster parent with Beech Acres Parenting Center.
Mary Kay had to request long-term respite care for Maryssa last year when she had surgery. Brad and Hannah were excited to welcome Maryssa into their home! While this situation was intended to be temporary, Maryssa captured their hearts immediately. Mary Kay saw how invested they were in Maryssa and her unique needs, so she let the team know that she wanted Maryssa to remain with them. That led to this very heartfelt (and tear-jerking) adoption.

Brad and Hannah were eager to keep Mary Kay a part of Maryssa’s life and, thus, made sure to commemorate her love and care early in Maryssa’s life by having her share her middle name. Everyone was in tears throughout the hearing as people shared stories. The Magistrate commented that the Beech Acres staff were crying more than the family!
We are overjoyed to see this happen for Maryssa! Are you ready to begin your foster care journey? Learn more about becoming a foster parent, check out our upcoming training schedule, or read other stories here. Not ready yet, but want to help parents, kids, and families in your community? Consider making a one-time or recurring donation today.