Inclusion Services

Is your organization or business challenged
by employee retention, engagement, accountability, or performance concerns?
by employee retention, engagement, accountability, or performance concerns?
The Culture-Change Equation
We can help you create a COMPASSIONATE CULTURE that embraces transformative workplace solutions tied to everyday success.
Through a focus on organizational belonging, individual well-being, and Natural Strength PracticesTM, we help organizations grow strong relationships, seeding a compassionate workplace culture tied to accountability and built on principles of caring and inclusion.

Our Services:
Working with you to cocreate an intentional path forward.Culture-Change Consulting

Through the lens of Natural Strength Practices, Beech Acres’ 175-year history of helping families, communities, and individuals heal by building strong connections across divides, positions us to meet today’s complex moment of inclusivity and belongingness. Our programs combine compassion with business accountability. We rely on the science of character strengths tied to real-life workplace scenarios to build a sustainable foundation for growth.
We can help your organization cut through the chaos, overcome the confusion, and nurture the fluid and caring communications at the root of strong relationships and everyday success.

Inclusion Services Team

Brice Mickey(He/him)
VP Diversity Inclusion