Parent Enrichment Program

Parent Enrichment Program
The Parent Enrichment Program provides comprehensive support for the “whole” parent, through a variety of proven and evidenced-based methodology to help parents reach their goals. Learn more.
Who We Help
Parents in need of education and support with parenting.
Parents with a desire to build their parenting skills.
Parents with questions about parenting.
Parents who are currently active with Hamilton County Job & Family Services
Services Offered
Parents Enrichment Groups are available for parents at convenient times to work around busy schedules.
Other individualized services are scheduled based on need.
We will provide flexible scheduling for services based on parent availability.
How We Help
Screening and Assessment Needs
Screening and Assessment Needs
The Parent Enrichment Program provides trauma-informed care. Parents’ needs will be reviewed at the time of the referral. Our goal is to support the parent and give guidance to desired outcomes.
Orientation Group
Orientation Group
Parents will be introduced to our service model, develop a vision for themselves, and complete enrollment paperwork. Orientations are scheduled every two weeks or more if needed.
Goal Setting and Planning
Goal Setting and Planning
Parents will collaborate with their assigned Family Specialist to create goals and a family plan that closely aligns with their HCJFS case
plan, establishing healthy behaviors, building financial literacy, and empowering parental resilience.
Parent Enrichment Series
Parent Enrichment Series
The Parent Enrichment Series provides an evidence-based curriculum using Natural Strength ParentingTM and Triple P content. Parents will participate in one 3 hour session per week for 8 weeks.
We provide hybrid services to meet families where they are. Our family specialist will meet parents virtually, in their home, communities, and designated child visitation centers.
Groups for Parents and Children
Groups for Parents and Children
Parents and children will each attend groups with the ultimate goal of skill building.
Natural Strength Parent Coaching
Natural Strength Parent Coaching
Natural Strength Parenting™ is a unique approach to parenting from Beech Acres Parenting Center. Natural Strength Parenting™ encourages you to be intentional and mindful in your parenting while focusing on your child’s innate strengths. Building on their strengths will increase their confidence, self-esteem, and resilience all of which lead to positive well-being. We promise these skills aren’t hard, and more of your conversations will be about what’s going right vs. what they did wrong!
Home Work
Home Work
Family Specialists will meet with parents, in their homes, to assist them in practicing skills they are learning.
Triple P Positive Parenting Program
Triple P Positive Parenting Program
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent – as well as treat – behavioral and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realize their potential.
NEW! Family Centered Treatment
NEW! Family Centered Treatment
Family Centered Treatment is an evidence-based practice focused specifically on creating positive change for families faced with forced removal of their children from the home or dissolution of the family due to internal and external circumstances.
Frequently Asked Questions
Transportation resources are available for parents as needed.
Referrals can be provided to specialized services based on needs such as mental health or chemical dependency services.
Reach Out To Us
We are here to help.
Please call the number below (select Option 4) or email us directly.