A Message To Our Community

A Message to Our Community graphic for BAPC

To our community of Greater Cincinnati & beyond, we’re here for you.

Beech Acres Parenting Center remains committed to the parents, children, students, teachers, schools, and families we serve, as well as to the physical and mental well-being of our clients, partners, and of course our own employees.

During this time of uncertainty, we draw on the unique strengths of our individual staff members and teamwork to persevere. To protect the health of our employees and everyone we work closely with, Beech Acres Parenting Center has moved to a “virtual” service delivery method where appropriate in all areas of our business.

Parent Connext™

Parent Connext™ is committed to supporting you, especially during this challenging time. Parenting Specialists are available to support parents with your specific parenting challenges. During this time, we invite parents to meet virtually with their Parenting Specialists. Virtual sessions can be done over the phone or via video chat. Parents who have experienced one of these options, have found these methods of connecting to be supportive and have appreciated the flexibility and ease of engaging with their specialists virtually. We’ve added complimentary parent coaching for front line responders from TriHealth as well as all TriHealth patients.  Contact Katie Helmes at khelmes@beechacres.org or 513.233.4715 to get connected.

Foster Care and Adoption

Our Foster Care and Adoption teams are committed to serving currently engaged families wherever they are in the process. To comply with governmental recommendations to limit the spread of the coronavirus, we will be piloting online training sessions until we can resume in-person sessions safely.

Current Foster Care families should continue to monitor their email inboxes for updated information and are encouraged to stay in touch with their social workers.

For those not currently engaged with our Foster Care and Adoption teams, but curious about fostering, now is a great time to learn more. Get started by visiting our website or contacting Ryshel Bowling at rbowling@beechacres.org.

Kinship Connections

If you are a grandparent, aunt, uncle or other relative taking care of a loved one’s child full-time… we are here for you! Our in-person Kinship Connections groups have been postponed for now to comply with government recommendations to limit the spread of the coronavirus. We believe safety is especially critical to protect our brave grandparents who are caring for their grandchildren! All groups will continue virtually, and any new kinship caregivers who would like to join us are welcome.  Please visit our website and watch our social media for more information.

Our Kinship Connections team is available to support and help you navigate kinship parenting. Visit our website or connect with Dawn Merritt, at 513-233-4846 or DMerritt@BeechAcres.org.

Parent Enrichment Program

Currently, our in-person Parent Enrichment Program classes have been postponed to comply with governmental recommendations to limit the spread of the coronavirus. We are working closely and taking guidance from Hamilton County’s Job and Family Services. Our staff is reaching out to our clients individually.

Beyond The Classroom

Families currently receiving services through Beech Acres Parenting Center at your child’s school have the option to meet with our providers by phone, or virtually. We have recently implemented telehealth (telephone, online) options for those who have been meeting in-person with our staff. Additionally, team members will be available to help families access other community resources if needed. We are following all governmental recommendations as well as the advice of medical professionals. We are committed to ensuring continued support and care for students currently receiving services and making sure the needs of families are also met.

Current services available include:

  • Therapists are providing virtual counseling via phone and telehealth options.
  • Team Leads are reaching out to assess family and school needs.
  • Team members are helping families navigate resources and helping with community relief efforts.
  • Our medical team is available to meet behavioral health medication needs.

 We invite you to contact the Beech Acres Parenting Center Team Lead in your child’s school to learn more.

The Character Effect™

The Character Effect™ Specialists remain committed to the self-care of teachers and to the social and emotional needs of students in schools where we serve. If you have any questions or concerns or just need a mindful moment, please reach out to your TCE Specialist or visit our website at www.thecharactereffect.org


We understand that you and your family may be dealing with a heightened level of anxiety based on the uncertainty caused by the coronavirus/COVID-19. With school closings, job losses, work from home mandates, and government requirements, many families find themselves at home together with lots of time on their hands.  It can be very stressful…and also enriching.

See this as an opportunity to connect with your family in new ways! Each day we will share activities you can do together and mindful moments you can do for yourself.

Beech Acres Parenting Center was built on a foundation of hope during a public health crisis over 170 years ago. Since then we’ve evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of parents, families, and children and remain committed to doing so. During this challenging time, we believe that every parent and family has the strength to persevere. Set an intention today to be more mindful of the gifts of your children and yourself, and how you can use this national crisis to strengthen your family’s resilience. We will be here to support you on your journey.

With gratitude,

The Beech Acres Parenting Center Team







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