Bullying Is Serious. We’re Here To Help.

Bullying Is Serious. We’re Here To Help.
Bullying can be very serious and can affect your child’s mood, self-esteem, and academic performance. But there is hope…
If your child is suffering, let them know they are not alone. Tell them that bullying is unfortunately not uncommon and that it is not their fault. Children can feel helpless when being bullied so it is important to point out their strengths and how they’ve used them successfully in other situations. To help keep their confidence from diminishing, brainstorm some ways that they can use one of their strengths effectively in this situation.
If necessary seek help from their school, pediatrician or mental health professional. We’re here to help as well. To speak with a parenting coach please call 513-231-6630 today.
How Can The Character Effect™ Have An Effect On Bullying?
LGBTQ Youth and Bullying: How Might Life Be Different?
Partner With Your Child’s Teacher To Address Bullying
Listen To Your Child If They Tell You They Have Experienced Bullying
Is My Child Being Bullied? Here’s How You Can Identify Potential Signs Of Bullying