Citi of Northern Kentucky Provides Generous Support to The Character Effect™

Citi of Northern Kentucky Provides Generous Support to The Character Effect™
Citibank of Northern Kentucky has been a valued partner and generous supporter of The Character Effect™ for the past two years. The organization has committed to supporting the program not only financially, but with their time and talent as well.
To kick off the new school year, Citi wanted to make a big impact with their donation of over 800 backpacks to students in the Erlanger-Elsmere School District. This incredible donation along with their financial and social support helps these students be prepared to succeed and thrive.
“Early childhood education has always been one of the key priorities where we feel that we can make the longest lasting impact in our region. We were very excited years ago to begin the partnership with Beech Acres and support The Character Effect™ program because we believe in the mission and we believe in the value of what it produces for not only for the students but their parents, guardians, and family and the staff of course thats helping implement and integrate this program,” Niki Lunsford, Vice President, Communication and Public Affairs, Citi.
Along with the impressive donation of backpacks and school supplies, Niki Lunsford from Citi shared this heartfelt video message of gratitude on behalf of everyone at Citi to the teachers and staff at Erlanger Elsmere schools who have worked so hard amongst so much uncertainty the last two years to be present for their students and their families.
Citi staff and Beech Acres staff partnered to deliver the backpacks and message to the schools to help kick the school year off with an overabundance of positivity. The teachers and administration were thrilled and overwhelmed with the generosity, but not as excited as the students were to receive awesome new backpacks.
“Thank you, and thanks to Citi, for providing our staff and students with this incredible opportunity. I can’t tell you how nice it is to hear such a positive, supportive, and heartfelt thanks from Citi. Thank you, and Citi, for your partnership!” Chad D. Molley, Superintendent, Erlanger-Elsmere Schools.