
Donate Items to Help Families

Donate Items to Help Families

Annual Drives

Ongoing Needs: Beech Acres Wish List

Next Step to Helping Families

  1. Contact Donial Curry, Events and Stewardship Specialist, at 513-233-4826 to set-up and schedule your donated item(s).
  2. Coordinate your drop-off at Beech Acres Parenting Center: 615 Elsinore Place, Suite 500, Cincinnati Ohio 45202


For more information about supporting Beech Acres Parenting Center please contact:

Donial Curry

Events and Stewardship Specialist


(513) 233-4826

More About Donial Curry

Headshot photo of a woman in a white shirt with a necklace on smiling

With five years of experience charting new fundraising and engagement strategies for local non-profits, Donial came to The Beech in […]

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