Find Your Family’s Purpose, Values, Vision, and Goals

Find Your Family’s Purpose, Values, Vision, and Goals
Why Should You Find Your Family’s Purpose, Values, Vision, and Goals?
- Happy and successful families are created with intention. They just don’t happen.
- Families that are successful require time, patience, and planning.
- Setting goals allow your family to discuss with each other what your dreams are and help to identify family values.
- Value is defined as the quality or worth of a thing. Family values are often reinforced by our spiritual or religious beliefs and ideas passed down from generation to generation.
- Involving family members in decisions gives everyone a voice and allows for an opportunity to work through, clarify and resolve issues.
- Family goal setting benefits children by allowing them to achieve success by seeing their goal from beginning to end; provides individual focus, direction, and purpose; helps them to feel important and listened to, and your children will use the values they learn to develop an inner compass.
- Benefits to parents who goal set include less pleading and punishing and more cooperation with their children; removes them from an ‘us against them’ role and places them in the ‘all of us together’ role, and provides a greater awareness of what is going on in their children’s lives.
Powerful Questions for Helping Families Identify Their Purpose, Values, Vision
What is Our Family Purpose?
- Toward what end does our family exist?
- What does our family do for its members?
- What do its members do for the family?
- What contribution does our family make in the world?
What are Our Family Values?
- What are my top five family values?
- What are my spouse’s top five family values?
- What are our family’s top five family values?
- What are the values I hope my children will carry with them into the future?
What is Our Family Vision?
- What does our family’s success look like in 10…20 years?
- What kind of adult do I want my child to be?
- What kind of parent do I want my child to be?
- How do I want my children to remember me?
- What is my vision for myself as a parent?
- What is my vision for my relationship with my children?
- What is my vision for the example I’d like to set for my children?
- What experiences would I like to provide for my children?
- What are the skills and abilities I hope my children will have?
- How do I hope my children will approach life and relationships?