Flip For Foster Care Raises $5,000 for the Foster Care Program at Beech Acres

Flip For Foster Care Raises $5,000 for the Foster Care Program at Beech Acres
Inspired by their parents’ love and philanthropy, Mariah and Aubree wanted to do something special to raise money for foster care.
Flip For Foster Care
Mariah and Aubree issued a challenge. What began as a simple lemonade stand to raise money for foster care, evolved into something bigger. With a goal of raising $5,000, the girls launched a social media campaign asking friends, family, and the community to make a donation to Beech Acres Parenting Center. The girls wowed generous donors with flips for reaching certain milestones in the campaign. Their generous and giving hearts inspired donations to pour in online, ultimately reaching and exceeding their goal of $5,000. Congratulations, ladies! You are amazing!
A Heartfelt Thank You
While these philanthropic efforts were all Mariah and Aubree’s ideas, mom and dad were there for support, posting their videos on social media and encouraging the girls along the way. Mom even agreed to do a flip herself if the girls reached their goal. “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those who supported our girls through donations, sharing, and words of encouragement! The Foster Care and Adoption program will benefit greatly from these funds. Sharing your story to encourage others and bring awareness takes SO much courage! Our daughters chose to stand in the light for other children and families to make a difference.” -Calena Durel.
Make A Difference
There has never been a better time to make a difference in your community by considering foster care. The need for foster parents in the Greater Cincinnati and Dayton areas is greater than ever. You can make a real difference in your community by exploring, supporting, or becoming a foster parent!
If this story has inspired you to give, please consider a one-time or monthly gift to Beech Acres Parenting Center. Choose #FlipForFosterCare from the drop-down menu to support the girls’ campaign.