Improving Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, and Test Scores: A Beyond The Classroom Success Story

Improving Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, and Test Scores: A Beyond The Classroom Success Story
Like many middle schoolers, Quinn was experiencing social anxiety. This was affecting them at school and home. Quinn was beginning to have negative interactions with his teachers, peers, friends, and even his parents. When Quinn’s mother discovered some concerning writing of Quinn’s, she feared they might be struggling with depression. She was scared and didn’t know where to turn for help.
Fortunately, Paulina, a Beech Acres Parenting Center therapist, was located at Quinn’s school. This made it simple for Quinn to access the care they needed quickly.
Paulina and Quinn worked on identifying Quinn’s strengths, setting goals, and finding positive ways to address their emotions. Together, they found ways to identify more positive ways to approach daily interactions at home and school. In addition to therapy, Paulina recommended medication to assist in Quinn’s healing.
The Beech Acres team also engaged Quinn’s parents in the healing process. One of the first things they worked on was communication. Open, honest communication is important to any healthy family relationship. The family worked together on establishing short-term and long-term goals and agreeing on how to achieve them. As their communication improved, so did their relationship. Quinn was more open to honest feedback from their parents. And their parents noticed significant improvements in the way they interacted with others.
“Thank you, Beech Acres, for caring for Quinn. They have learned how to focus better in class and improve their test scores. They also have a much higher self-esteem and more self-confidence.” Quinn’s mom said.
The family implemented a behavior chart into their routine to help Quinn understand that their behavior has consequences. This helped them understand that their behavior impacted not only them, but also everyone in the family. They’ve also set an intention to spend more one-on-one time together.
Today’s students are facing increasingly complex challenges. Social media, depression, bullying, stress, and anxiety. 1 in 5 children will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder during childhood. Many students require additional help from mental health needs to resources at home that go beyond the classroom. Beyond the Classroom™, from Beech Acres Parenting Center, is the school’s mental health answer for students that brings together positivity and hope of Natural Strength Parenting™ to the whole family.
Many students require additional help, from mental health needs to resources at home that go beyond the classroom.
Beyond the Classroom™ enhances readiness to learn by improving the emotional and behavioral wellness of the students. Additional support is available for parents that build resilience, improves economic stability, and empowers them to become an advocate. Learn more about this innovative approach to mental health support.

*Names and circumstances may have been changed to protect the privacy of these families.