Introducing With All Families

Introducing With All Families
Introducing With All Families

For over 170 years, Beech Acres Parenting Center has been serving parents, families, and children in the Greater Cincinnati community. We’ve constantly grown and iterated to ensure that we are meeting parents where they are in their parenting journey with innovative solutions that cultivate their strengths and build resiliency.
Over the last several years we’ve relied on science and data to drive decisions about where are services are best deployed. We’ve introduced several initiatives to serve parents, families, and kids in schools, in pediatric offices, in the workplace, and of course in the community.
Introducing With All Families
With All Families joins The Character Effect™, Beyond The Classroom™, and Parent Connext ® under the Beech Acres Parenting Center umbrella of services. With All Families, represents our focus to reach all families regardless of how they are put together. Our team is equipped to support foster families, adoptive families, kinship families, and any family facing challenges and hardships that need empathy and help connecting to resources. Along with reaching families in schools (The Character Effect™, Beyond The Classroom) and in pediatric offices and the workplace (Parent Connext™), Beech Acres continues to meet families where they are in the community with the particular services they need to thrive.
With All Families represents the important work that is being done in foster care & adoption, Kinship Connections, and the Parent Enrichment Program (PEP).
Foster & Adoptive Care

For individuals willing to open their hearts and their homes to our most vulnerable children, the Beech Acres foster care and adoption team has been supporting foster families for 40 years. Learn more about foster care and adoption.
Kin Caregiver

For a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or even a close friend taking care of a loved one’s child full time, this support network offers both individual resource navigation and group meetings. Kinship Connections is also able to provide support for teen moms, single parents, and those families facing financial hardships.

For parents fulfilling a referral from Hamilton County Job & Family Services, the Parent Enrichment Program (PEP) is a non-judgmental, goal-driven parent and child-focused program. Beech Acres Parenting Center also serves young parents, parents who play both mom & dad, plus families who’s financial burdens are adding stress to their family home.
Compassion is at the heart of what we have done for over 170 years. While the challenges that parents, families, and children face have changed, our caring approach has not. Empathy, love, kindness, and hope guide our services. We set an intention to be present with each of our clients, actively listen to their challenges, ask powerful questions, and offer solutions that enhance and improve their lives.