Powerful Tools For Kinship Caregivers Begins June 28th!

Powerful Tools For Kinship Caregivers Begins June 28th!
Powerful Tools for Kinship Caregivers
Who takes care of YOU? Join us for a self-care class for family caregivers beginning Wednesday, June 28th!
Join us as we discuss the following:
- How to access valuable resources and connect with other caregivers.
- Tips to reduce stress, guilt, anger, and depression.
- How to communicate effectively.
- Most importantly, how to take care of yourself, relax, set goals, and problem-solve.
The class size is limited to 15. Childcare Available Refreshments will be provided. Participants completing this FREE 6-week Powerful Tools for Caregivers class will receive The Caregiver Handbook and a Caregiver Journal at no cost ($40 value).*
*Attend at least 4 of the 6 class sessions to receive the free books.