Spotlight On My Strengths Parent Connext Edition

Spotlight On My Strengths Parent Connext Edition
Each of us has an essential strength profile as unique as our thumbprint. When you discover your strengths, you can use them and enjoy life more, as well as handle stress and deal with life’s challenges.
Parent Connext™ is available to help you with your everyday parenting challenges.
Parent Connext™ is flexible and uniquely positioned to help parents improve protective factors, including;
-Building parent resilience
-Improving knowledge of parenting and child development
-Understanding child social & emotional growth,
-Improving social connections
-Providing support in times of need.
Parent Connext™ can assist with supporting healthy behaviors for you and your family. Your Parenting Specialist is your partner in parenting and wants you to succeed!
Get started by completing the Spotlight on my Strengths survey to discover YOUR strengths today!