Twelve Days of Presence

Twelve Days of Presence
Be Present This Holiday Season
Being intentionally present with your family this holiday season is one of the best presents you can give them. And it doesn’t cost a thing.
Wind down 2020 by setting an intention to be present with these twelve ideas that were inspired by Sharon James, favorite Parent Coach, beloved mom, and dear friend.
December 20th. Notice the moment. Be here now. Slow down enough to notice what is before you. Don’t miss the moment because you are rushed, thinking ahead of what’s on your task list.
December 21st Remember. Make room for the glitter made up of moments from your past. Share a favorite holiday child memory with someone and ask them to do the same.
December 22nd Light up your senses. Scented lit candles, the taste of chocolate, a hug, a sunrise, driving around to see decorated homes, homemade soup. Whatever it is for you, be intentional in delighting all of your senses today.
December 23rd Let there be peace on earth. Let it begin with me. Tis’ the season for high emotions. Thich Nhat Hanh offers this: when we are in conflict, feeling angry or frustrated, we aren’t inclined to be ourselves as our focus is on the person, triggering the feelings. We can look after ourselves by mindfully deep breathing (peace in, anger out) so they no longer monopolize our consciousness.
December 24th. Practice kindness. In what way can you brighten someone’s day? A small gift? Donation to a good cause? Offering your time? Helping in a way that makes the life load a bit easier? Whether it is a person you know, an organization that supports your values, or a stranger in line at the store, let your strength of Kindness show up.
December 25th Practice Gratitude. A very powerful and well-researched strength, your overall well-being can improve just from spending one minute today practicing Gratitude.
December 26th Celebrate our amazingly diverse world. At a time when our world seems so divided, the season is a time to expand your awareness and appreciation for diversity. You might choose The Comboni Missionary Nativity or visit the Freedom Center.
December 27th Smiling Energy. Smiling has the power to shift your mood. Try smiling at those you know and those you don’t. Notice other people’s smiles. What happens to how you feel?
December 28th Let It Go! Try yoga or Tai-chi. Practice deep breathing and always laugh to let go of the stress that accompanies the holiday season.
December 29th Mindful Eating Instead of labeling foods ‘good’ and ‘bad’, simply pay attention to when you are hungry and be conscious of how many chips, for ex., you are eating. Enjoy!
December 30th Invite your Zest out to play. Embrace the cold and find something happening only this time of year. Consider the Winterfest at Kings Island, a trip around an ice-skating rink, or the Holiday Hike happening today at the Nature Center.
December 31st What’s important about this season? However you and your loved ones celebrate, make it count. Today, be intentional in making time for what matters, be mindful in the way you listen and are present with others, and utilize your strengths to make this holiday season one that will become part of your ‘glitter moments’ to remember.