Foster Care Super Saturday Training Conference June 18, 2022

Foster Care Super Saturday Training Conference June 18, 2022
Super Saturday: A Virtual Foster Parent Training Event!
Join Beech Acres Parenting Center for Super Saturday: A Virtual Foster Parent Training Event Saturday, June 18, 2022. All attendees are welcome! Training certificates are provided as needed after the event.
Attend for a chance to win door prizes awarded throughout the day!
Please reserve one ticket per attendee regardless of how many sessions you will attend. Registered attendees will be able to select individual sessions during the event. Video required, same-household attendees may attend on one or multiple devices.
Questions? Contact Sarah or Ryshel for more information or register online here.
Download more information here.
9:00 AM – Welcome & Opening Remarks
9:15 AM – DEI Workshop Part 1
10:00 AM – Break
10:15 AM – Morning Workshops
12:15 PM – Lunch
12:45 PM – Guest Speaker
1:00 PM – DEI Workshop Part II
1:45 PM – Break
2:00 PM – Afternoon Workshops
4:00 PM – Panel Discussion
4:45 PM – Closing Remarks
Scheduled to Appear

LaTrese Green Nurturing Self and Being Love
LaTrese Green is a Health Educator residing in the Greater Cincinnati Region. She is as well a meditation
and yoga instructor as well. She uses a plethora of wellness skills to enhance the community, locally and globally into a more holistic lifestyle.
The Nurturing Self and Being Love Session is about finding your sense of peace in everyday life habits and situations. Tree Essentials LLC will provide you with applicable tips and skills to further enhance your self-love journey.

Melissa Adamchik Trauma and Resilience within a Developmental Perspective
Melissa Adamchik, MA, LPP, is the Executive Director of the Tristate Trauma Network since its formation
in 2015. In addition, she works as an adjunct faculty member in the School of Social Work at Northern Kentucky University. Melissa has
her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Spalding University and is independently licensed as a Psychological Practitioner in Kentucky.
This session will discuss the effects of traumatic experiences on the development of the brain and the body and how these translate into behavioral presentations. It will also explore the resilience factors that can help to mitigate these effects for children in the short and long term.

Mark Cardwell Let’s Talk About It.
Mark Cardwell is the founder and principal consultant for Cardwell Communications LLC, a full-service marketing consultancy.
After being in 5 five foster homes Mark was adopted at the age of 5. After Ohio records were unsealed Mark searched for and was reunited with his birth family after 50 years of separation.
In the discussion “Let’s Talk About It”, I share my personal experience and perspective on how we might manage the uncomfortable or tough conversations that come up in all stages of the adoption journey.

Yolanda NAMI – Ending the Silence for Families
Yolonda is a Recovery Ambassador! She is currently a volunteer peer leader for NAMI Southwest Ohio where she leads Peer to Peer classes, helps facilitate Connections Support Groups, and is an In Our Own Voice and Ending the Silence presenter. She writes a Word Press blog, Bridges to Hope. She also volunteers for the Southwest Ohio Council on Aging and leads classes now online and over the phone on Chronic Pain and Chronic Disease as well as Diabetes Self-Management.
Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation about mental health for parents and caregivers where a lead presenter shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition shares their journey of recovery.

Sarah Breetz, LSW, MSW Promoting Normalcy in Foster Care
Sarah Breetz, LSW, MSW, is the Manager of Training and Licensing at Beech Acres. Sarah has worked in Foster Care at Beech Acres since 2013. Sarah is a Licensed Social Worker and has a master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Louisville.
Youth in foster care often talk about feeling different from their peers. Regulations set in place to create safety for young people can often create barriers that cause them to miss out on experiences. This session will focus on efforts to provide normalcy for foster youth.

Ryshel Bowling Where do I belong… Placement from a Bio Child’s perspective.
Ryshel and her husband were licensed foster care parents for more than 2 years for teen girls. They completed their family through adoption in November of 2021.
Ryshel will be joined by her daughter, Elizabeth, to provide first-hand insight on the adjustment of placement for bio children in the home.

Katie Beurket Supporting Children & Families After a Death
Katie has a B.S. in Communications with a focus on Organizational & Health Communication from Ohio University. Her introduction to Fernside was as a teenager participating in our support groups following the death of her father in 2009. While still in high school, Katie returned to Fernside to volunteer as a member of our teen PIT (Philanthropists in Training) Crew. After college, she completed our Facilitator Training Program where she volunteered for three years before joining the staff at the beginning of 2021. Katie coordinates our East Side and Tuesday Blue Ash group nights as well as our Community Outreach & Education Program, including oversight of all social media platforms. She also assists with our Camp and Crisis Programs.
Join us for informational training with Fernside Center for Grieving Children and Families. The training will cover the developmental stages of grief for children ages 3-18 including different grief reactions and ways to help a grieving child. We will discuss tips and interventions for working with children who have experienced different types of grief. There will be an informational segment on Fernside services and a Q & A session for families.

Kenny McQuitty Internet Safet for Kids and Families
Technology has an inevitable place in our day-to-day activities and lives. It is up to us to make sure technology doesn’t go outside the boundaries we set for it. And as we do that we create a space that honors each person’s sense of belonging.
Kenny McQuitty currently serves as the Associate Pastor at Bethel Nazarene Church and is a licensed minister in the Church of the Nazarene. His primary role at the church is working with 6-12 graders and their families. Kenny has degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice and before pastoring worked in the social work field for 12 years.

Judith Rapport Stress and Regulation
Relationships with people around us are the building blocks of how we manage our stress. The key to de-escalating upset kids is through our relationships and connections to them. Using the Neurosquential Model adds to your understanding of trauma-informed parenting and crisis de-escalation.
Judith Rapport is a Licensed Social Worker on the Foster Care and Adoption team at Beech Acres. In her time in the social service field, she has worked with families in crisis including mental health and housing. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of the effects of trauma on the brain.

Brice Mickey Inclusion and Equity
Brice Mickey currently serves as a DEI Consultant with Avant Consulting Group and Cohear, while serving as the Director of Recruitment for Public Allies. Brice was born and raised in Cincinnati, OH, and graduated from Walnut Hills. He earned his BSIT from UC and it was there he realized his calling for dialogue around diversity and inclusion after participating in, and later directing, UC’s nationally recognized Racial Awareness Program (RAPP).
Workshop Info: A two-part, hands-on workshop on inclusion and equity and how it relates to your foster parenting journey.