Partner With Your Child’s Teacher To Address Bullying

Partner With Your Child’s Teacher To Address Bullying
Partner With Your Child’s Teacher To Address Bullying.
Partnering with your child’s teacher can offer critical insight into cases of bullying. Here are some questions you can ask your child’s teacher:
- How does my child get along with other students?
- With whom does he or she spend their free time at school?
- Have you ever suspected my child is being bullied by other students?
Work with the teacher and with the school administration to create a plan for your child. Schedule a call or virtual meeting with your child’s teacher to address your concerns.
Make sure you know the school’s policy on bullying, bring it to the administration’s (principal and school counselor) attention, and ask what their intention is regarding your child. Most schools should list their bullying policy on their website or in the student handbook. Let them know you have a plan in place with your child’s teacher and that you want the Administration involved in the solution. Ensure that any plan includes protecting your child from the situation worsening as a result of them bringing it to the school’s attention. Finally, you should meet with the school throughout the process, not just once, until there is a resolution.