Understanding Healthy Gender Relations. Tips For Parents.

Understanding Healthy Gender Relations. Tips For Parents.
The Pink Aisle Versus The Blue Aisle
Have you ever really considered why the toy aisles at your favorite department store are divided into “boys” and “girls” sections? What makes a toy a “boys” or a “girls” toy? If you’re like many parents, you may find your daughter wearing a Spider-Man shirt and shopping for Star Wars figures or find your son feeling empowered by strong Disney Princesses like Elsa or Moana. What if your son’s baseball team chooses pink jerseys or your daughter wants to compete against boys in athletics or academics? Understanding and discussing gender can be as complex as exploring gender identity or as simple as “blue” versus “pink”.
This month we will be focusing on gender roles. We’ll have helpful tips for parents on a wide range of issues, both simple and complex. Be sure to sign up for our parenting newsletter to stay up to date on the latest parenting news and Natural Strength Parenting™ tips.