Local Family Donates 41 Backpacks To Beech Acres Parenting Center
Inspire A Family This Year!
Much of the ‘magic’ of the holidays come with price tags that children should not have to understand, but the loving adults in their lives understand all too well. YOU can provide holiday magic for a Beech Acres Parenting Center client this holiday season. YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO INSPIRE A FAMILY WITH KINDNESS! Not all…
How Does My Donation Make A Difference?
Children face more complex issues today than at any other time in history. Depression. Bullying. Social media. School shootings. Peer pressure. And parents are struggling to keep up. As a champion for children, YOU can make all the difference! Your support provides comprehensive mental health support and wrap-around services to children in schools. Your generosity equips parents…
Looking Foward to 2022!
We have turned the calendar to a new year and our program leaders at Beech Acres Parenting Center are Looking Forward to even greater impact in 2022. Thank you for your generous support that helps children and parents thrive! Click below for your special message:
Thank You For Your Generous Support!
Through the generous support of donors like you, Beech Acres is empowering children and caregivers to thrive. Families often find themselves in complicated, vulnerable situations. They may not know where to turn to for help or even that help is available. Through the generous support of donors like you, Beech Acres is able to offer essential programs that help parents, grandparents,…
Get The Insiders’ Scoop
Insiders’ Scoop is our quarterly donor newsletter that keeps our donors ‘in the know’ on the exciting happenings at Beech Acres Parenting Center. In the latest issue we have foster, kinship, and reunification stories of impact and hope. Want to get the insiders’ scoop while making a difference in your community? Make a one-time or…
To Our Donors, We Are Grateful For Your Generous Support. Thank You.
Support Beech Acres Parenting Center This Giving Tuesday
Support Beech Acres Parenting Center This Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Inpire and Equip today’s parents, families, and communities to raise capable, caring, contributing children. The mission of Beech Acres Parenting Center hasn’t changed much in over 170 years. What has changed is the way we approach our mission. In today’s rapidly changing world, parents…
Celebrate Moms This Mother’s Day With A Gift To Beech Acres Parenting Center
Celebrate this Mother’s Day by honoring the special “mom” in your life! There are many important women in a child’s life. But none are more important than “mom.” Birth mothers, aunts, sisters, a special mentor or teacher, foster care parents, grandmothers, and other kinship caregivers. A “mom” can be any woman who provides a child…
National Parents’ Day is NEXT SUNDAY!
Parenting is challenging. Parents told us so in a recent survey. But it’s also very rewarding. They told us that too. July 22nd is National Parents’ Day. This year we’re raising money to help support our mission of inspiring and equipping today’s parents, families, and communities to raise capable, caring, contributing children. Do you know…